All our school policies are created, approved and reviewed by Anthem Schools Trust.
The following policies are created, approved and reviewed by Anthem Schools Trust, and apply to every Anthem school:
- Concerns & Complaints Policy
- Charging & Remissions Policy
- Code of Conduct for Parents, Carers and Visitors
- Data Protection Policy
- Exclusions Policy
- Freedom of Information Policy
- Health & Safety Policy
- Whistleblowing Policy
- Anti-bullying Policy
- SEND Policy
- Whole School Equality Policy
- Employer Discretions for the LGPS Policy
- Policy Statement on the Recruitment of Ex-offenders
You can access these policies, along with Trust privacy notices, on the Anthem website:
Below are the policies which include additional information specific to our school:
Disclaimer - Loss, Theft or Damage of Mobile phone -
At Grampian Primary Academy we recognise that mobile phones and similar devices, including smartphones, are an important part of everyday life for our pupils, parents/carers and staff, as well as the wider school community.
We ask that pupils must secure their mobile phones as much as possible, including using passwords or pin codes to protect access to the phone’s functions.
The school accepts no responsibility for mobile phones that are lost, damaged or stolen on school premises or transport, during school visits or trips, or while pupils are travelling to and from school. Please see the Mobile Phone Policy for further details.